
Release statement for 33 combination remedies, $17.00 each:

ADDICTION DE-TOX Heliconia, Morning Glory, Golden Calcite, Puakenikeni, Christmas Berry & Naio "I now release the addictive effects of alcohol, food, marijuana, ecstacy, nicotine, opiates and all psychotropic drugs, and I make these changes with courage and love."

CLEARING NEGATIVITY African Tulip, Ti, Hila Hila, Naupaka & Glory Bush "I now release the effects from all associations with past-life dark forces, astral possessions, past-life cruelty, toxic thoughts of others and attachment to earthly power and give thanks for my liberation."

CHAKRA BALANCER Black Tourmaline,Carnelian, Citrine, Green Adventurine, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst and Clear Quartz "I now consciously balance my chakras starting with the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh."

CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Passion Flower, Topaz & Jade "I now release my past lack of spiritual confidence and embrace the spirit of Christ that lives within me."

CHRYSTALLINE TRANSMISSION Combination of eleven gem essences to powerfully integrate and transmit spiritual energy into the twelve chakras as a synthesis of light.

CONSCIOUSNESS BOOSTER Passion Flower, Hau, Paka lana & Gold,Lotus & Bougainvillea "I now release the effects of lethargy, powerlessness, depression and inadequacy and embrace the path toward my enlightenment with deep spiritual confidence."

DEEP EMOTIONAL RELEASE Nicotiana, Oleander, Lantana, Kukui, Water Hyacinth & Peach Calcite "I now release my sadness, depression, fear and pain from deeply buried and deadened emotions, I choose to transform these old blocked emotions into wholeness, and I give thanks for my release."

DEEP TENSION RELIEF Yellow Ginger, False Lilac, Orange, Comfrey & Dandelion "I now release and dissolve the deep tension and agitating issues from my body, nervous system and subconscious and I reclaim my peace and power."

DISSOLVE SEXUAL NEGATIVITY Cuprite/Chrysocolla, Green Smithsonite, Avocado Coconut & Haole Koa "I now release and dissolve my negative conditioning and confusion about sex and my fear of being touched, and I rejoice in the Divine perfection of my sexuality."

DIVINE LOVE Gold, Pink Calcite, Lime & Passion Flower "I now release my lack of confidence in God, my lack of self- love causing depression and lethargy, and attune my consciousness to Divine love."

EROTIC LOVEMAKING Red Calcite & Water Lily "I now release all sexual limitations, and restore my tantric sexual connections for enriched, erotic and exciting love making."

FEMALE SEXUAL LIBERATOR Hibiscus & Lehua "I now release my lack of self esteem and blocked sexual energy patterns and reclaim balanced and joyful sexual energy."

GO TO SLEEP Vervain, Yellow Ginger, Hau, Amethyst & Green Adventurine. "Don't spend time counting sheep or wrestling with your pillow. Some people have a physical problem preventing sleep. Most find it difficult to fall asleep because of emotional factors. Flower essences are natural relaxants for the anxious analytical parts of our mind. These unique blends of Kauai flower essences will allow you to cozy down and allow your lashes to fall gently upon your sleepy cheeks."

GRIEF Ruby, Dahlia & Lantana "I now release the sadness and pain from the conflicting emotions of loneliness, abandonment and loss and activate the love and courage to go on."

GROUNDING Black Tourmaline, Lima Bean, Moonstone & Hematite "I now release my disconnected scattered energy patterns and reconnect my spiritual awareness to Mother Earth, and I give thanks for this."

HEALING ACCELERATOR Diamond, Topaz, Turquoise, Thyme, Lotus & Comfrey "I now release all of the old blocks which limit my life force energy for healing and reconnect to God for strengthening of my entire anatomy, and I give thanks for my healing."

HIGH SELF ATUNEMENT Canavalia, Lime, Pakalana, Diamond & Optical Calcite "I now release all limitation and attune myself to a permanent connection with my High Self."

INSPIRATION Ruby, Azurite, Bougainvillea & Lotus "I now release all old self limiting patterns and open to higher inspiration in order to express my highest potential, and I give thanks."

LESS STRESS Pearl, Topaz, Hau, Orchid, Wood Rose, Dahlia & Dandelion "I now release my stress and anxiety while activating emotional resiliency and physical stamina."

LIFE FORCE ENHANCER Emerald, Sapphire, Pearl, Gold, Lotus & Lemon “I now release my old self limiting beliefs which have kept me stuck in weak, lethargic and victim energy patterns and open myself to invigorating accelerated energies, and I give thanks."

LOVE ESSENCE Charged love-infused formula "I now release all old energies which keep me in fear of opening my heart in love to myself and others."

MALE & FEMALE SYNERGY Papaya & Red Ginger “I now release the self limiting patterns which have denied aspects of my male and female selves and reunite them in their highest potential."

MALE PERFORMANCE Banana & Banana Poka "I now release the imbalance in my sexual energy patterns and open to the rejuvenation of my sexual drive and the performance in sexual intercourse."

MANIFESTING Emerald, Thyme, Bougainvillea & Heliconia "I now release the self limiting patterns which keep me a victim to others and assimilate new ideas, visions and inspiration with mental clarity for creativity in my life."

MEDITATION Gold, Turquoise, Silver, Lotus, Amethyst & Rosemary "I now release the mental chatter which distracts me and open to calming, inspired and peaceful energy, cleansing my subconscious distractions."

PLAYFULNESS Rainbow Hematite, Zinnia & Marigold "I now release the heaviness of survival issues and embrace the experience of playfulness and joy in a physical body ."

PREGNANCY & LABOR Moonstone, Amazonite, Jade, Noni & Castor Bean "I now release my fears and anxieties about my pregnancy and labor and open to energies of calmness and strength to guide and strengthen me."

REGENERATION Topaz, Turquoise, Lotus, Hau and Thyme "I now release my belief in the aging process and death, and open to enhanced tissue regeneration and the strengthening of my entire body, mind and spirit."

RELATIONSHIPS Emerald, Green Smithsonite, Geranium, Cuprite/Chrysocolla, Papaya & Basil "I now release my patterns of fear and mistrust, created from past relationships and open to compassion and understanding in all my relations with others."

SEXUALITY BOOSTER Dark Opal, Clear Quartz, Red Calcite, Water Lily, Basil & Haole Koa "I now release old attitudes about sexuality which have limited my sexual creative energies and transform these beliefs to revitalize and enrich my joy in sexuality ."

SHOCK & TRAUMA Pearl, Ruby, Moonstone, Silver & Lima Bean "I now release the effects of the shock, trauma , anxiety and tension which I have experienced and give thanks for healing courage and strength."

SPIRIT CONNECTION Angels Trumpet, Clear Quartz, Sapphire & Celestite "I now release the old idea that I am all alone and open to the loving assistance and guidance of spirit guides, and I give thanks."

TRANQUILITY Turquoise, Light Opal, Pearl, Naupaka & Rosemary "I now release the effects of agitating and destructive momentum in my life, and I embrace calmness and peace."

WILL POWER Amethyst, False Lilac, Mango & Selenite "I now release my old lethargy and open to greater mental clarity, strength and personal power and imprint the message that there is a `new way' to each cell of my body."