Contact me

Starmen Unlimited
Kilauea, Kaua`i, Hawai`i

(808) 828-2166


You are probably looking for some help with choosing the most appropriate essences for your personal situation. 

I am a flower essence practitioner with 20 years of experience doing flower essence readings.   I have done thousands of flower essence readings here in Kauai, Japan, and in Europe. I have also done even more flower essence consultations by phone. The results have been very exciting and transforming. I love that, and my focus and intention continue to make the process feel really good to me.  

Basically, I have opened to the gift of being able to merge with another's energy field and take guidance from the energy of their soul. I am shown the essences that are needed from over 2,000 essences from around the earth. After that I make a bottle combining the chosen essences into one remedy bottle. We go over the qualities of each essence, and that alone tends to give a good picture as to what the personal situation looks like and what is required to change it.

You can reach Ken for phone consultations at:  
Skype: kauaiessences

Cost is $55 for readings. The essence remedy bottle is shipped that day by priority mail. I'll respond promptly to get our dialogue started.