Kaua’i Gem Essences
Alphabetical List of 46 Gem Essences, $17.00 each:
AMAZONITE Enhancer for most vibrational remedies. Magnifies the stored in the heart and solar plexus and aligns etheric and mental bodies.
AMETHYST Enhances mental clarity and strengthens the will power to break unwanted habits. Calms the mind for meditation. Induces sleep. For left brain imbalances. Eases spasms.
AQUAMARINE Water of the sea. A soothing cooling essence that inspires and softly opens to the courage to allow open verbal expression. Attunes to deeper spiritual awareness.
AZURITE Stimulates psychic abilities, higher inspiration, clearer meditations and greater mental control.
BLACK TOURMALINE Provides psychic protection and grounding for spiritual awareness in the third dimension. For city life functioning w/o loosing sense of spirituality. Promotes strength and courage.
BLUE CALCITE Assists in accessing a higher frequency of expression of personal truth. Enhances channeling, toning and singing.
BLUE LACE AGATE Facilitates clear and truthful verbal expression. Self empowerment through voice. Provides willingness to express thought and feelings, known or unknown.
CARNELIAN Activates sexual and procreative energy. Increases vital life force and stimulates creativity. Blood purifier.
CELESTITE Facilitates peaceful strength and mental clarity. Assists in maintaining personal security. Tranquility. Connects into angelic realms. Enhances perception.
CHAROITE Clears mental programing of limited thought forms bound by guilt, fear and the idea of sin. Defuses the beast. Aligns to soul purpose.
CRYSTRALLINE TRANSMISSION Combination of eleven gem essences to powerfully integrate and transmit spiritual energy into the twelve chakras as a synthesis of light.
CITRINE Helps manifest personal goals and rebuild self confidence. Increases alignment of astral bodies. Dissolves feelings of lack. Eases all miasms. For all forms of radiation poisoning.
CLEAR QUARTZ Assists communication with spirit guides. Expands awareness of self. Helps transform negative thoughts. Alleviates all emotional stresses.
CUPRITE & CHRYSOCOLLA Balances the male and female power, which promotes positive external relationships. Softens male aggressive tendencies. Helps female reproductive system and menstrual disorders.
DIAMOND Master healer that activates Attunement to higher self. Life force increases and crown chakra opens.
EMERALD Balancer on all levels. Improves relationship with father. Enhances wisdom and projects love. Enhances meditation.
GREEN ADVENTURINE Healing on all levels. Soothes conflicts in the emotional body. Eases tension in the solar plexus.
GREEN CALCITE Helps bridge the transition from your "old" way of being to that which you consciously choose to become.
GREEN SMITHSONITE Eases fear of interpersonal relationships.
GREEN TOURMALINE Opens the heart chakra. Psychological problems associated with the father are eased.
GOLD Master healer. Eases depression and lethargy. Aligns to higher spiritual visions and enlightenment.
GOLDEN CALCITE Integrates spiritual power into the earth plane realities and the courage to make necessary changes.
HEMATITE Grounds spiritual energy into and activates the Earth Star chakra (6" below the feet). Balances spiritual energy. Provides psychic and spiritual protection.
JADE Opens heart and generates Divine love. Emotionally grounding.
KAUA`I CALCITE From "sacred ancient caves" on Kauai. Assists in completing letting go of old patterns and transition to higher stages of the spiritual growth process. Lemurian energy pointing the way to a new future.
KYANITE Integrates the light body into the mental body. Powerful opener of subtle energy channels and meridians. Promotes new ideas
LARIMAR Connects thoughts with feelings. Empowering. For young adult depression. Peace stone. Transmits pure spiritual energy. Tranquility.
MALACHITE Aids left and right brain imbalances. Epilepsy, dyslexia, autism, coordination problems. Promotes sleep. Expels plutonium. For over toxification of system.
MOONSTONE Brings peace and harmony and pulls the individual towards spiritual things. Enhances psychic development.
NEBULA STONE A recently discovered stone and essence bringing pure creative energy where new thought, new feeling and new realities can emerge. Triggers the process of letting go of the old in order to make way for the new. Brings creative potential.
OPAL (Light) Stimulates emotions to lead towards mystical experiences. Opens solar plexus and brow chakras.
OPAL (Dark) Transforms sexual feelings and base emotions into higher expression. Enhances meditation.
OPTICAL CALCITE Integrates soul star frequency into the crown chakra. Helps access inner dimensional knowledge and access truth.
PEACH CALCITE Transmutes emotional energy into intuitive feelings and insights. Transforms old blocked emotional patterns.
PEARL Profound balancer for all emotional extremes. Activates purity, strengthens the body and stimulates creativity.
PINK CALCITE Enhances unconditional love based on a strong foundation of self-love. Expands capacity for love and compassion.
RAINBOW HEMATITE Creates joy in one's life experience. Softens the intensity of survival issues. Brings light into the physical plane.
RED CALCITE Brings in higher creative forces for new manifestations. Heightens tantric sexual connections. Helps create your vision.
ROSE QUARTZ Increases the force of self love and confidence. Promotes forgiveness and compassion. Balances lungs and heart.
RUBY Activates kundalini energy in a balanced fashion. Balances and opens the heart. Provides love and courage to express one's highest potential.
SAPPHIRE Antidepressant. Stimulates clairvoyance, telepathy and astral projection. Improves communication with spirit guides.
SELENITE Sends a message that there is a "new way" into every cell of the body. Assists spirit in finding a home in the body. Transmits the soul frequency.
SILVER Cleanses subconscious and eases nervous tension, anxiety and shock.
SMOKY QUARTZ Removes åsmoky¹ unclear thought forms. May relieve depression. Aligns first, second and third chakras.
TOPAZ Reverses aging process and enhances tissue regeneration. Brings out Christ-like qualities.
TURQUOISE Master healer. Protects against any environmental pollutants. Strengthens entire anatomy.