When did people begin taking flower essences?
History records that ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian civilizations used flowers to heal the emotions. Paracelus collected dew from the petals of flowers, diluted it and used it to treat imbalances in the 15th Century. More recently, Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath, developed thirty eight flower essences from English flowers in the 1930's. His research revealed that flower essences balance the disharmony between the body and the mind which leads to physical illness and emotional distress.
Why should I pick Kauai flower essences?
Every living thing is made of energy. Although it is all the same energy, each living thing has its own unique pattern, including flowers, which exude their own miraculous life force energy. The healing energy of the Garden Island of Kaua`i makes these essences some of the most powerful available on Earth. The place is alive with energy that dates back through the ancient Hawaiians to Lemuria. The unique flowers selected were gathered from the mountains, which average over 600 inches of rainfall per year, and the sun drenched coastal regions.